Mafube Business Forum
The need for change
MBF have identified 3 problem areas to prioritise and overcome:
Photograph by local photographer
Marica Meades

The need to effect positive change in the way that local governance works, in order to create a more business-friendly environment. Like in so many instances throughout South Africa, the community of Mafube suffer from a dysfunctional municipality which is hopelessly bankrupt and not in a position to render services to the community as it is obliged to, in terms of Section 153 of The Constitution. Despite Government intervention since 2017, there has thus far been little to no change in the situation, which continues to have a dire effect on the lives of our people.
Photograph by local photographer
Candid Click Photography

Mafube is also not unique in its unacceptable high rate of unemployment and for this reason the creation of permanent local jobs and opportunities for entrepreneurs is paramount. There is an oversupply of the young, eager and trainable, but they are faced with almost zero prospects of finding gainful employment locally, and generally have to move away from their families to areas where the prospects are not necessarily better.
Photograph from

The failures of local government in our region have a direct and significant detrimental effect on particularly the water sources within our region - Mafube Local Municipality is regarded as the largest polluter of the upper-Vaal River catchment area, due to its inability to properly operate and maintain its infrastructure. The socio-economic circumstances of the majority of residents in our area further contribute to environmental degradation because of ignorance and apathy. Even in the more affluent areas, environmental awareness is largely absent, due to lack of bylaws and enforcement, and through a don’t care attitude brought on by a sense of hopelessness.
Photograph by local photographer
Lelia Estebeth
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