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Water in krane, nie op wiele nie! | Water in taps please

Writer's picture: MBFMBF

[afr] Mafube Business Forum (MBF) has been warning for some time about the use of water tanker contractors by Mafube Local Municipality (MPM). On 9 September, Mafube Local Municipality was part of an insert on the KykNet programme, "In conversation with Lourensa Eckhard" which focused on the water tanker mafia.

Dit is aan MBF gerapporteer dat buiten vir die twee munisipale watertenktrokke, is daar deur MPM ooreenkomste aangegaan met verskeie eksterne diensverskaffers om water per trok te lewer. Ten minste agt privaat watertenktrokke word gebruik om water binne Mafube aan inwoners te voorsien wie nie aan die waterverspreidingsnetwerk gekoppel is nie. Hierdie inwoners moet noodgedwonge op die “Jo-Jo” tenks op wiele staatmaak.

Daar word deur ‘n ingeligte bron beweer dat alles nie heeltemal pluis is met die aanstel van die watertenktrok-kontrakteurs nie:

  • “Noodgevalle” word dikwels geskep deur sabotasie om die “Watertenktrok-Mafia” te bevoordeel.

  • Die koste beloop R2 500.00 per dag vir elke gehuurde watertenktrok.

  • Munisipale watertenktrokke word nie ten volle benut nie

  • Elke watertenktrok laai drie keer per dag, maar slegs een keer op Sondae.

  • Wanneer die kraan by die brandweer droog is, is daar nie water vir die dag nie.

  • Grootte van die tenkers wissel van 6 000 to 12 000 liter

  • Geen beheer word uitgeoefen oor die oplaai en verspreiding van water nie.

  • Sommige van die watertenktrokke lek en is nie padwaardig nie.

  • Gesuiwerde water word gebruik op konstruksiepersele of om paaie nat te spuit.

  • Geen bewyse bestaan dat die watertenktrokke voldoen aan enige gesondheidsregulasies voldoen of ooit gesteriliseer word nie.

Artikel 80 van die Munisipale Stelselswet 32 van 2000 (hieronder) word nie deur MPM nagekom nie.

“Voordat 'n munisipaliteit 'n diensleweringsooreenkoms met 'n eksterne diensverskaffer aangaan, moet dit 'n program vir gemeenskapskonsultasie en inligtingverspreiding rakende die aanstelling van die eksterne diensverskaffer en die inhoud van die diensleweringsooreenkoms daarstel. Die inhoud van 'n diensleweringsooreenkoms moet deur die media aan die plaaslike gemeenskap gekommunikeer word.”

Die verontagsaming van toepaslike wetgewing en gebrek aan beheer kan gesien word as meer as net onbevoegdheid – dit kom voor as ‘n siniese en doelbewuste poging deur MPM om sekere “gekonnekteerdes” te bevoordeel ten koste van die gemeenskap se grondwetlike reg tot water en ander dienste.

MBF nooi inwoners, sake-eienaars en belastingbetalers uit om ons kantore by Kerkstraat 18A, Frankfort op Maandae tot Donderdae van 08h30 tot 16h00 en Vrydae 08h30 tot 12h00 te besoek. Bel of stuur 'n WhatsApp-boodskap aan Marina by 079 145 4295. Besoek ons webwerf en volg ons op Facebook.


[eng] Mafube Business Forum (MBF) has been warning for some time about the use of water tanker contractors by Mafube Local Municipality (MPM). On 9 September, Mafube Local Municipality was part of an insert on the KykNet programme, "In conversation with Lourensa Eckhard" which focused on the water tanker mafia.

It was reported to MBF that apart from the two municipal water tank trucks, agreements were entered into by MPM with various external service providers to deliver water by truck. At least eight private water tankers are used to supply water within Mafube to residents who are not connected to the water distribution network. These residents are forced to rely on the "Jo-Jo" tanks on wheels.

An informed source claims that all is not well with the appointment of the water tanker contractors:

  • "Emergencies" are often created through sabotage to benefit the "Water Tanker Mafia".

  • The cost amounts to R2 500.00 per day for each rented water tanker.

  • Municipal water tankers are not fully utilized

  • Each water tanker loads three times a day, but only once on Sundays.

  • When the tap at the fire department is dry, there is no water for the day.

  • Size of the tankers varies from 6,000 to 12,000 litres

  • No control is exercised over the loading and distribution of water.

  • Some of the water tank trucks leak and are not road worthy.

  • Purified water is used on construction sites or for watering roads.

  • No evidence exists that the water tank trucks meet any health regulations or are ever sterilized.

Section 80 of the Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000 (below) is not complied with by MPM. "Before a municipality enters into a service delivery agreement with an external service provider, it must establish a program for community consultation and information dissemination regarding the appointment of the external service provider and the content of the service delivery agreement. The content of a service delivery agreement must be communicated to the local community through the media." The disregard for applicable legislation and lack of control can be seen as more than just incompetence - it appears as a cynical and deliberate attempt by MPM to benefit certain "connected" at the expense of the community's constitutional right to water and other services . MBF invites residents, business owners and taxpayers to visit our offices at 18A Church Street, Frankfort on Mondays to Thursdays from 08h30 to 16h00 and Fridays 08h30 to 12h00. Call or send a WhatsApp message to Marina on 079 145 4295. Visit our website and follow us on Facebook.

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