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A possible environmental disaster averted?

Writer's picture: MBFMBF

From imagery and video material sent to Mafube Business Forum (MBF), it appears that the thousands of liters of diesel that ended up in the Meulspruit near Warden could make for a possible natural disaster. Frankfort and surroundings can also be affected by this.

This follows after a theft attempt of diesel on Wednesday 9 March, which is transported by pipeline from the coast to Gauteng.

Equipment was damaged during the incident, resulting in large-scale dumping across the veld. The diesel flowed into the Meulspruit, which is a tributary of the Wilge River. Photos and videos taken this morning show that the diesel is already flowing down the Wilge River and may still flow past Frankfort today.

MBF is extremely concerned about this and has reported the incident and progress of the diesel slick to the relevant environmental official at the Department of Water and Sanitation. Rand Water and Dept. Environmental issues were also notified.

Just received:

MBF has just (11h45 11 March) received feedback from all 3 institutions that Transnet teams are on the scene to clean up the spill. Special equipment will also be used to clean the rivers and prevent further spreading. The situation will be constantly monitored.

MBF remains committed to assisting the community. Make our hands strong in this battle and join us.

Visit our offices at 18A Church Street during business hours, on Mondays to Thursdays from 08h30 to 16h00 and Fri and ended up in the Meulspruit. @

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