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What if MBF were a political party?

Writer's picture: MBFMBF

Kindly be assured that Mafube Business Forum (MBF) have no such aspirations; we will continue to serve our community as a properly constituted, registered non-profit, apolitical community-based organisation. We would prefer not to get involved in the upcoming local government elections but are indeed excited about the prospects of engaging with a Municipal Council that will work with us, instead of obstructing our every effort of making Mafube a better place for all.

Political parties usually issue their manifestos shortly before an election-public declarations of policy and aims. Virtually all parties contesting the municipal elections make the same promises, amongst others: service delivery, job creation, fighting corruption, poverty eradication… the list continues. Political leaders all make wonderful pledges and commitments in their electioneering drives but never with the sincerity, truthfulness and credibility that residents of this country deserve. Looking back, these proved to be hollow promises that do not get delivered on.

Different to a political party, MBF do not issue fanciful manifestos but are rather compelled by a constitution, which is a legally binding document. We therefore have to deliver on what we promise, and trust that we have not disappointed in this regard.

With the looming local government elections looming MBF are anxiously waiting for a positive outcome and the change that the people of Mafube deserve. It is clear that the ruling party have overstayed their time;their toxic culture of patronage and27 years in power, resulting in a total collapse of governance and service delivery, for which they should be red-carded. It is saddening to see that in the local context, opposition parties offer not much more, and are merely content in stealing votes from each other.

We are yet to see a political party come up witha workable solution for Mafube such as MBF have; instead some choose to undermine and discredit our organisation at every opportunity. MBF presented an initiative during 2019 and after a number of high-level meetings with government and municipal officials, put our workable solution on paper. The “Mafube Stakeholder’s Compact” was already accepted by all parties in January 2020 and only required signatures for ratification. Inexpicably, government departments and their designated signatories absconded and reneged on their obligations to complete the process that could have given rise to a “New Mafube”; in our estimation, because of high-level political interference.MBF was then forced to engage in a lengthy legal process that is only likely to have an outcome in early 2022. While we remain confident the the High Court will order in our favour, the road to saving our towns and region would certainly be made smoother if we can cooperate with a Municipal Council that truly have the interests of our community at heart, moreso than those of their political parties.

MBF are convinced thereof that a council of majority independentlocal councillors would be a game-changer for our embatled municipality as they would be far more likely to adhere to, and allow public participation as envisaged in local government legislation. MBF will, no matter the outcome of the elections, continue to insist on the implementation of the Compact, which among other items, determines the following:

• A functional Oversight Committee with extensive powers to ensure proper governance and financial management; • a ring-fenced infrastructure account for locally generated revenue; • guaranteed public participation; • transparency and accountability; and • a conditional amnesty on all outstanding municipal charges and rates.

Residents, business owners and ratepayers are welcome to visit our offices at 18A Church Street during our business hours, on Mondays to Thursdays from 08h30 to 16h00 and Fridays from 08h30 to 12h30, or contact Marina on WhatsApp at 079 145 4295. Or send an email to

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