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Writer's picture: MBFMBF

It is with dismay that Mafube Business Forum (MBF) read the statement of the Acting Municipal Manager at Mafube, Advocate Mothusi Lepheana, as published in the Frankfort Herald of 14 July 2023. With reference to the Municipal Financial Recovery Plan (MFRP), Adv. Lepheana stated that “…it is now being delayed by the Mafube Business Forum…”

Lepheana fails to mention the fact that after the newspaper notification which appeared in the Frankfort Herald on 9 June this year, the municipality was unable to furnish a copy of the Draft MFRP on request as advertised. The Draft was also not available on the municipality’s official website (as per the notification). MBF had great difficulty in obtaining this very important document, and after a number of unsuccessful visits to the municipal offices, informed National Treasury, who eventually provided a copy on 15 June.

MBF immediately set to work to prepare comments on the MFRP which is a huge task, not even taking into account the averse attitude of the municipal management. MBF submitted comments before the extended deadline.

It must be understood that the implementation of a Municipal Financial Recovery Plan (MFRP) at MLM is as a result of the High Court order of 28 April 2022 and not because of benevolence on the part of any government department. The application brought by MBF was in fact, opposed by, among others, the provincial and national departments of CoGTA and Treasury. The delay of implementation of well over a year, prompted MBF to again approach the High Court to enforce its earlier order.

With some reservations, MBF applaud the honesty of this comprehensive assessment. In our view it reflects the current situation at MLM rather well as it relates to governance, institutional, financial management and service delivery, and justifies the implementation of an MFRP as ordered by the High Court. It also vindicates the efforts of MBF to date.

The MFRP is well-constructed and follows logic but if the desired outcome is to be achieved will depend on ethical persons, diligently and selflessly working on resolving the serious issues facing MLM. MBF have expressed our doubt whether those currently employed in key positions at our municipality, possess the required capacity, capability, competence and integrity.

The Draft MFRP and the Status Quo report on which it is based, is available on request.

Visit our offices at 18A Church Street, Frankfort on Mondays to Thursdays from 08h30 to 16h00 and Fridays 08h30 to 12h00. Call or send a WhatsApp message to Marina on 079 145 4295. Visit our website and follow us on Facebook.

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