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Land Grabbing undermines development

Mafube Business Forum (MBF) are very concerned about a recent incident of land grabbing in the vicinity of the industrial sites at Frankfort. It is apparent that certain municipal councillors encouraged the illegal occupation of property owned by private individuals and the Mafube municipality. The cynical actions of those councillors are highly irresponsible and their motives for incitement are usually for personal political and/or financial gain, with little regard for the rights of others. In the context of Mafube, where development and employment-creation is of foremost importance, orderly allocation of housing and building sites in accordance with the municipal Integrated Development Plan (IDP) must be adhered to.

As a community we cannot afford for the availability of already scarce industrial and commercial sites to be further diminished and devalued, thereby jeopardising future developmental investment in our region.

In terms of Section 23(1) of Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000, municipalities must undertake developmental orientated planning (popularly referred to as the IDP’s) to ensure that they:

a) Strive to achieve the objects of local government as set out in section 152 of the Constitution;

b) Give effect to their developmental duties as required by section 153 of the Constitution; and

c) Together with other organs of state, contribute to the progressive realisation of fundamental rights, as for example, housing.

Be proactive

In the absence of effective local government MBF recommend for property owners to familiarise themselves with The Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act 19 of 1997 (PIE Act) and other related legislation. The business community would forthwith have to be vigilant and proactive as unlawful occupation of land will be with us for a while yet. MBF have compiled a guide for recommended courses of action and basic preventative measures to contain unlawful occupation of land with reasonable effectiveness; to be made available to our members on request.

Contact MBF by visiting our offices at 18A Church Street during our business hours, on Mondays to Thursdays from 08h30 to 16h00 and Fridays from 08h30 to 12h30, or contact Marina on WhatsApp at 079 145 4295. Or send an email to

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