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Mafube water - human rights are still violated

To the people of Mafube, the last few weeks was a never-ending struggle due to water pipes bursting, water smelling of paraffin, water being declared unsafe due to too a high level of e.coli, and the list goes on .....

Just looking at the water makes one shiver in disgust. This condition supports what was written in Mafube Business Forum's (MBF) statement of 18 March 2022: Mafube is unable to fulfill its constitutional duties, and continues to disregard the rights of residents.

Even after Mafube was warned about the unsafe condition of the water in a reminder letter delivered to the municipal manager on 16 March 2022, there was no response from his office. The danger that the contaminated water poses to residents is therefore still being ignored.

Photo 1 shows water in Frankfort, the morning of 20 March 2022, just after 8h00.

Photos 2 & 3 show water in Frankfort, in the afternoon of 20 March 2022, just after 15h00. There was no response from the technical director of Mafube Local Municipality either. Thanks to the ward councilor who went to the roofless plant himself. Feedback is that the water there seems to be cleaner.

However, it is clear to us that the distribution network is problematic / faulty. MBF has repeatedly pointed out to the municipal government the irrationality of "prepaid" water meters, given that Mafube cannot even maintain the water distribution network. Our community is forced to pay in advance for water of which the availability and quality cannot be guaranteed.

Ironically, today, Monday 21 March 2022 is Human Rights Day!

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